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Speech and Phenomena
Chapter 7: "The Supplement of Origin"
I.Introduction: différance unveiled as the supplement
of presence [88a]
A.action of différance:
1.differing: retention
a.self is lacking, gapped
b.fold of a re-turn
2.dererring: protention
a.self is too much: rule of infinite addition
b.IKS as form of LP
B.inconceivability of différance starting
from cness
2.homogenous complication
of time-line
C.JD's project: well do supplement
and différance respect
2.distinction of signs and
II.supplement as structure of sign in general {"in place of"} [88b-89b]
A."for-itself" of the subject from "in place of"
of signs
1.traditionally: subjectivity
as self-giving
2.but for JD: presence of
cness, its self-relation, only through différance of retention/protention:
re-presentation, trace, signs
B.full structure of supplementarity:
1. a possibility which produces
by delayed action [à retardement] that to which it is said
to be added Of Grammatology: Rousseau discussion of Origin of Lang
b.also "Freud and Scene of Writing" for Nachtraglichkeit
2.signifier supplements
other type of signifier
a.substituted for is more highly valued bcs more ideal
b.more valued bcs différance is movement of idealization
c.more ideal = more preservation of presence of sense, e.g., indication replaces
expression in real comm
a.bcs sense intended by another are never present to me
b.thus the sense must be indicated is expression itself nonfull? [89c-91b]
A.intuitionist epistemology determines EH's theory
of language
1.but we still can speak,
even w/o knowing
2.pure logical grammar determines
speech even w/o knowl.
B.EH's last reduction: bracketing meaning-fulfilling
1.act of meaning always
aims at an object
2.this intention is enough; need to fulfill this intention
b.with intuition of what is meant in its presence absence of object does
not affect expression of meaning
IV.pure logical grammar [91c-97a]
A.depends on distinction of countersense vs nonsense
1.countersense: possible object for empirical or a priori reasons
b.but being w/o object being w/o meaning
c.yet conforms to grammar for presenting an object
(1)so we can at least understand that no object is possible
a.breaks grammar rules for presenting an object
B.if it is possible not to have an object and yet
still have meaning, then absence of object is necessary possibility of
1.meaning-fulfulling intuition
[=truth] fuses intuition and intention fusion, language [meaning
w/o intuition] is effaced
3.has EH overlooked two
possibilities here?:
a.that intuition and intention can never be homogenously fused
b.that meaning can be fused w/ intuition w/o disappearing EH's own descriptions:
a.example of expression about perception shows heterogeneity of intution
and intention [meaning]
b.bcs. non-intuition of intented object of ideal content of expression
is essential part of possibility of meaning
(1)obviously of object referred to
(2)and for addressee
(3)but also even for speaker
(4)thus "death of author/writer"
5."going further": "writing"
in "living speech"
(1)writing [neither real nor ideal] as passage to ideality
(2)link of death, idealization, repetition, signification
b.example of the personal pronoun "I":
(1)"essentially occasional expression"
(a)neither contingent polysemia
(b)nor absolute univocity of "objective" expressions
(c)thus they cannot be replaced by conceptual content w/o distorting meaning
of the expression
(2)thus indication whenever reference to speaker is irreducible
(3)EH wants meaning of "I" to be realized for speaker
(a)that is, presentation of the object to which it refers
(b)that is, I as object for myself, here, now
(4)JD objects:
(a)even in solitary monologue, the "I" is an ideality
(b)thus can function in my absence
(c)that is, w/o intuition of the object "I, here, now"
i)this absence is the very entrance of ergo sum
ii)and T ego
a)that is, thought of empirical absence of subject
b)reveals form of thinking subject
(5)EH contradicts himself
(a)[revealing his desire: self-presence, pure life]
(6)death as condition of living subjectivity, signification
(a)autonomy of meaning has its norm in writing / death
(b)writing as condition of speech
c.conclusion: all these are drawn from idea of pure logical grammar
V.Husserl's desire [97b-99a]
A.meaning as aim w/o object limited by telos of
vision [of object]
1.symbol points to truth
[=presence of object] as it is constituted as lack of truth
2.speech w/o object is false
speech; its telos is truth [=fusion of intention and intuition]
3. telos of fulfilling
intuition sets up sense as relation to object
B.formality of pure logical grammar is limited determination of sense
as possibility of object-presentation
2.form is always form of
b.pure intention of intentionality
3.thus intuitionism weighs
heavily on formalism of EH
a.form of meaning [intention is meaningful even w/o intuition] guided by telos of intuition fulfulling intention
4.expressions in form S
is P, even w/ impossible obj, make sense
a.bcs another object can be presented in that form
b.thus "nonsense" of signs not obeying these rules only on basis of prior,
traditional determination of truth as objectivity
5.poetic and nondiscursive
signification is denied form of sense
a.bcs they cannot present objects
6.conclusion: thus we should
recognize an initial limitation
a.of sense to knowledge [of objects as truth in intution-intention]
b.of logos to objectivity
c.of language to reason
VI.Conclusions [99b-104e]
A.systematic interdependence of concepts of sense,
ideality, objectivity, truth, intuition, perception, expression in matrix
of presence
1.self-presence allowing
2.LP thus links phenomenology
to metaphysics
a.LP thought as ideality
b.nevertheless it is factually deferred
c.thus différance is relation of ideality and factuality
1.substitution of content
of essentially subjective expression by objective, ideal content is itself
only ideal
2.since ideality is IKS,
this substitution is deferred
C.thus "essential distinctions" are teleologically
ordered, and deferred
a. de facto/realiter they are never respected
b. de jure/idealiter they vanish,
(1)since they live only from distinction of fact and right
(2)which is never respected
2.thus différance,
their condition of possibility, is cond. of imposs.
D.what is presence as différance ad
1.for EH, [EH's descriptions
vs. Hegel's thematics]
a.since infinity is IKS
(1)never derives difference from plenitude, positive infinite
(2)nor believed in AK as self-presence of concept in logos
(3)shown by descriptions of temporalization
b.yet, EH has thematics of metaphysics of presence, for Hegel [now show
Hegel's descriptions vs. EH's thematics]
a.Hegelianism advantageous bcs it demands passage through positive infinite
so that indefiniteness of différance appear as such
(1)need to look in Science of Logic
(2)and also "Violence and Metaphysics" Hegel's critique of Kant would hold for Husserl
3.JD's position: différance
and death
a.[contra Hegel]: relation to my death allows appearance of différance
(1)cf. "Restricted and General Economy", where Hegel is shown to substitute
truth of death for my death
(2)EH opens T ego and temporality through relation to my death
b.[contra Husserl]: compared to ideality of positive infinite, my death
is empirical accident
(1)so infinite différance is finite
(2)thus différance escapes opposition of finite and infinite
E.closure of metaphysics of presence
1.AK as closure, as end
of history
2.AK as unity of concept,
logos, and cness in voice w/o differance
3.history of metaphysics
a.= unfolding of will to s'entendre-parler
b.this history closes when voice appears to itself as its own death
(1)so SP is last chapter of JD's Phen of Spirit! or his history
of being!
F."beyond" the closure:
1. "unheard of" thoughts
sought across memory of old signs
a.writing strategies needed
2.beyond AK, approaching
that which announced its closure [=différance] names are needed conceive as normal
b.what EH wanted to exclude as abnormal, accidental
(1)that is, drift of signs
(2)linking representations one to the other w/o end
(a)thus, there never was any "perception"
(b)and presentation is only rep. of rep. yearning for itself
4.picture gallery image
a.this play of signs is not comprehended by intuition
5.we must speak, then, make
our voices resonate, to supplement breakup of presence
a.the phoneme is the phenomenon of the labyrinth
6.contrary to phenomenolgy
and our desire,
a.thing itself always escapes
b."look" cannot abide